MiKK Ambassadors NEWS

Odeta Presents MiKK’s 4 B Model at Lithuanian Supreme Court

Odeta, MiKK Ambassador for Lithuania, recently presented the 4B Model at the Lithuanian Supreme Court. Following her presentation, representatives from the Lithuanian National Court Administration and several chairs of regional courts expressed interest in discussing MiKK’s work with judges-mediators.

This marks a significant step in raising awareness of cross-border family mediation within Lithuania’s legal framework. Odeta’s efforts highlight the growing recognition of mediation as a valuable tool in resolving complex family conflicts.

📌 Watch the presentation here (MiKK’s segment begins at 2:05:38).

Ambassadors Discuss Global Expansion and Advocacy for Cross-Border Family Mediation at the 3rd Annual Meeting on November 10, 2024

The recent ambassador meeting focused on strengthening MiKK’s global impact through training programs, resource development, and awareness initiatives. Discussions included expanding Cross-Border Family Mediation (CBFM) training to new regions, such as France, Tunisia and translating materials into multiple languages to increase accessibility.

Ambassadors also explored strategies to engage with local legal professionals, judges, and parents to promote mediation as a conflict resolution tool, particularly in countries with less familiarity with mediation practices. Networking and collaboration remain at the core of these efforts, with ambassadors emphasizing grassroots outreach and leveraging social media for broader engagement.

Konstanze Welz Shares Her Story of Child Abduction

Konstanze Welz, MiKK Ambassador for India, shared her powerful personal story on the popular German TV program Nachtcafé. In her first-ever televised interview, Konstanze recounted her experience as a child abducted to India. She emphasized the profound impact of parental child abduction.

Konstanze regularly speaks at MiKK CBFM Trainings and conferences, using her story to raise awareness about cross-border family mediation.

📌 Watch the full interview here.

📖 Learn more about her story in the book Cross-border Family Mediation (2023) here.

Dr. Soma Kölcsényi Raises Awareness About Mediation in Hungary

Our MiKK Ambassador for Hungary, Dr. Kölcsényi Soma, recently gave an insightful interview featured in the Hungarian online magazine 24.hu. He discussed the critical issue of the wrongful removal of children abroad and the role of mediation in resolving complex parental custody disputes. Through his expertise, Dr. Kölcsényi highlighted how mediation can provide effective, child-focused solutions in cross-border family conflicts.

📌 Read the full interview here.

Joanna Wsołek Represents Poland at FBE International Family Mediation Event

Our Ambassador for Poland, Joanna Wsołek, played a prominent role as a speaker at the FBE International Family Mediation Web Event. The event, held on May 7, 2024, gathered legal professionals from across Europe to discuss “Family Mediation and Cross-Border Effective Resolutions.” Joanna shared her expertise as part of the Family Law Commission, representing Poland among a distinguished panel of international experts.

📌 For more details about the event and insights, visit the official post here.

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