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Cross-Border Family Mediation                                                International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases

Christoph C. Paul, Sybille Kiesewetter, Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome

MiKK proudly presents the 3rd updated and expanded edition of Cross-Border Family Mediation – International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases, written for experienced mediators and all other professionals involved in cross-border family conflicts.

This invaluable reference book on international family mediation provides:

  • the legal framework and specific characteristics of cross-border cases
  • methodology and tools
  • information on coordinating mediation with court proceedings
  • case studies
  • information sheets on mediation for parents, lawyers and judges
  • sample mediation agreements and court orders
  • a detailed look at international family mediation with parties from non-Hague Contracting States with a specific focus on Muslim countries
  • information on handling bilingualism and interpreting in mediation
  • insight into mediation styles within co-mediation settings

View the table of content here.

You may read the a sample from the book here.

You may order the book in the print version here.

It is also available as an e-book publication, which can be purchased here.

In addition to our CBFM handbook, we have prepared a brief bibliography on various topics concerning mediation in international family conflict. Some of the articles can be downloaded as .pdf files.

Text and Guidebooks: Cross-border Mediation & International Family Law

Paul, Christoph C./ Kiesewetter, S. (eds.). Cross-Border Family Mediation – International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases. 2nd edition, 2014, Wolfgang Metzner Verlag, p.1-228, ISBN: 978-3-943951-15-8

EU Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Policy Department C: Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Cross-border parental child abduction in the European Union. Publications Office of the EU, 2015,  Link to pdf

George, Rob / Judd, Frances / Garrido, Damian / Worwood, Anna: Relocation: A Practical Guide – an indispensable guide for anyone working in this complex and fast changing area of law and practice. 2013, Jordan Publishing, ISBN: 978 1 84661 504 7 Link to website

Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): Guide to Good Practice Child Abduction Convention: Part V – Mediation. 2015. Available in 25 languages. Link

Hodson, David: A Practical Guide to International Family Law. 2008, Jordan Publishing, ISBN-10: 184661094X

International Social Services. A Guide to International Family Mediation, 2015. Link to pdf

Keshavjee, Mohamed: Islam Sharia and ADR –Mechanisms for Legal Redress in the Muslim community. 2013, Publisher I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, ISBN: 9781848857322
Link to pdf

Niethammer-Jürgens, Kerstin / Erb-Klünemann, Martina
Internationales Familienrecht in der Praxis. Ein Leitfaden (in German only). 2. Auflage (Neuauflage), 2019, broschiert, 172 Seiten, Wolfgang Metzner Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-96117-033-3 Wolfgang Metzner Verlag

Parkinson, Lisa: Family Mediation in the New Family Justice System. 3rd edition, 2014, published by Family Law (2014), ISBN 10: 1784730254, ISBN 13: 9781784730253

Sustac, Zeno Daniel/ Walker, Jamie: Best Practice Guide on the Use of Mediation in Cross-border Disputes; 2014 (pdf)

Articles & Reports: Cross-border Family Mediation & International Family Law

Brieger, Sabine: Modellprojekt “Mediation in internationalen Kindesentführungsverfahren”; Zeitschrift  für Kindschafts- und Jugendrecht, ZKJ Heft 11, 2014, S. 450-451. (Link to pdf)

EU Parliament. IPOL Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs: Indepth Analysis – 40 years of the Hague Convention on child abduction: legal and societal changes in the rights of a child, November 2020; p.1-20, PDF ISBN 978-92-846-7452-7 (Link to pdf)

Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): The Judges Newsletter On International Child Protection, Special Focus: The Child’s Voice – 15 Years Later; Volume XXII, Summer-Fall 2018. (Link to pdf)   

EU Directorate General for Internal Policies: Policy Department C: Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs and Legal Affairs. Compilation of Briefings of Workshops on “Recasting the Brussels II a Regulation”, November 2016; p.4-81. (Link to pdf)

Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): Report on the Meeting of the Working Party on Mediation in the Malta Process Context (Non-Hague) Muslim countries. Embassy of Canada, The Hague, 4 March 2019. (Link to pdf)

Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) / International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (USA): Report on the International Judicial Conference on cross-border family relocation: Washington Declaration on Family Relocation 23-25 März 2010, (Link to website & Link to pdf)

International Family Mediators, In: International Family Law September 2012, S. 266-267, IFL 2012, (Link to pdf)

Khalaf-Newsome, Ischtar / Paul, Christoph C.: Konfliktbeilegung in Ländern der Islamischen Welt. Von traditionellen Verfahren zum MiKK-Mediationsmodell. In: Spektrum der Mediation, Ausgabe 70, 2017, S.41-43 (Link to pdf)

Khalaf-Newsome, Ischtar /Paul, C. Christoph: Internationale Kindschaftskonflikte – Wenn das eigene Kind entführt wird, Die (Wirtschafts)Mediation 4/ 2015 , S.79-81. (Link to pdf)

Khalaf-Newsome, Ischtar / Dr. Niethammer-Jürgens, Kerstin: A Match Made in Europe. On the differences between German and English Family Law. In: Family Law Journal (FLJ 91), November 2009, p.5-8. (Link to pdf)

Dr. Kriegel Schmidt, Katharina: Warum unterstützen Rechtsanwälte Mediation (nicht)? Eine qualitative Interviewstudie zur Mediation in internationalen Kindschaftskonflikten. In: Mediation Aktuell, 2016. (Link to pdf)

Nagata, Mari: Current Status and Issues of Implementing the Hague Child Abduction Convention in Japan. In: JAPANESE YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW

Paul, Christoph C; The Role of Family Mediation in Matters of Parental Responsibility, in: Compilation of Briefings of Workshops on “Recasting the Brussels II a Regulation”; EU DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR INTERNAL POLICIES POLICY DEPARTMENT C: CITIZENS’ RIGHTS AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS and LEGAL AFFAIRS. November 2016; p.17-28. (Link to pdf)

Paul, Christoph C. / Kiesewetter, Sybille: “Cross-Border Mediation. Foreign and International Legal Provisions.” / Mediation über Grenzen. Ausländische und internationale Rechtsnormen. Online Publication, 2011. Frankfurt am Main: Wolfgang Metzner Verlag

Paul, Christoph C. / Kaesler, Steffi: Mediation within the framework of a German-English child abduction. In: ADR bulletin 5/2007, S. 82-86

Paul, Christoph C. / Walker, Jamie: An International Mediation: From Child Abduction to Property Distribution. In: American Journal of Family Law 3/2009, S. 167-173, (Link to pdf)

Paul, Christoph C.; Walker, Jamie: A Case for Mediation: Family Mediation in International Child Custody Conflicts. In: World Arbitration & Mediation Review (WAMR), Vol:1, No:4, 589-594, copyright JurisNet LLC (Huntington, New York, USA) (Link to pdf)

Reunite/Trevor, Buck: An evaluation of the long-term effectiveness of mediation in case of international parental child abduction. June 2012, Reunite International Child Abduction Center, Mediation research Report. (Link to pdf)

Roberts, Marian: Developing the Craft of Mediation – Reflections on Theory and Practice. 2007, Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London, ISBN: 978 1 84310 323 3

Roberts, Marian: Hearing both sides: structural safeguards for protecting fairness in family mediation. 2005, Mediation in practice. ISSN 1750-8452

Sustac, Zeno Daniel/Walker, Jamie: Article – Best Practice Guide on the Use of Mediation in Cross-border Disputes; 2014 (Link to article)

Useful Online Resources

European Justice Portal; Mediation & family law. Regulations of different EU countries and a list of contact addresses for assistance. Link to website

Cross-border Parental Child Abduction and International Family Separation (EU Publication) Leaflet: Link to website

Cross-border parental child abduction in the European Union: Link to website








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