CBFM® English
Cross-Border Family Mediation Training (CBFM®)
in English, in Berlin
Sunday, 28th September – Saturday, 04th October 2025

About CBFM® Training

The MiKK 50-hour advanced CBFM® training course aims to qualify practicing family mediators to mediate cross- border family disputes, including international child abduction, access and custody cases. The course will cover the relevant legal aspects of international family conflicts, differences in national family legislation, the 1980 and 1996 Hague Conventions and the Brussels IIb (Recast) Regulation which entered into force in August 2022. Participants will be introduced to the tools and methodologies for mediating complex, high conflict cross-border family disputes, with the aim of safeguarding the best interest of the child.
Key topics featured in this training include: Framework & Specifics of Mediating International Family Conflicts, Culture and Conflict Resolution, Bi-lingualism & Mediation, Co-mediation, the Voice of the Child in Mediation, Mediation Tools, Dilemmas in Mediation.
Drawing on the participants’ experience, we will examine the issues involved when mediating across cultures. The training employs a variety of teaching formats including input lectures, small group work, discussion and film material. Case studies and role-plays form an integral part of the course. Interdisciplinary cooperation is a key aspect of the course.
A team of international, multi-disciplinary trainers who are experts in their respective fields and have hands-on experience will lead this highly interactive training, aiming to equip international mediators with the required knowledge, skills and tools to mediate complex cross-border family disputes.

MiKK is the leading international training provider in the field of cross-border family mediation, having provided training in the field for more than 20 years. The standardized training concept was co-developed in the EU co-financed project Training in International Family Mediation (TIM) and MiKK piloted it in 2010. Over the past years MiKK has continually adapted, improved and updated its CBFM® training so as to keep abreast of any changes in the mediation landscape, legal developments and so as to incorporate the feedback of international participants. So far, Mediators from over 50 countries have successfully completed the MiKK CBFM® training which regularly receives highly positive reviews.

Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome
Co-CEO & Head of Advisory Services, Family Lawyer (England & Wales), Mediator

Timm Uekermann
Pédagogue diplômé, Formateur en médiation PLIB-REGC, Médiateur BAFM®, Coach systémique DGB, Interprète d’État reconnu, Traducteur assermenté de documents (OLG Schleswig)

Drs. Birgitte Beelen
Directrice générale de SYNTAGMA Psychology Mediation Coaching Training

Annonce à venir
Juge, Juge de liaison de la Conférence de La Haye en France

Alice Canet
Avocate atypique & Médiateure 🇨🇵🇩🇪🇬🇧 Pour la paix des familles internationales – Divorce et séparation | International et franco-allemand – Formatrice

Elina Lautebach
Conseiller du service de consultation (ligne d’assistance) & Assistant de projet chez MiKK, Ass. jur., LL.M. (University of Amsterdam)
SUNDAY, 28th September 2025
9.30 – 18.30 Mediating Across Cultures & Models of International Family Mediation
Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome, Christoph C. Paul
- Introductions – expectations – programme
- Mediating across cultures and national family law
- Models and styles of mediation
- Framework and specifics of mediating Hague Convention cases I
- Film
Konstanze Welz
- Child Abduction as Childhood Trauma: An Overview of Long-Term Effects
📍 Evening Dinner at a restaurant with all participants & trainers at own expense
MONDAY, 29th September 2025
9.00 – 18.30 Framework and Specifics of Mediating Hague Convention Cases
Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome, Christoph C. Paul
- Framework and Specifics of Mediating Hague Convention Cases II
- The Changing Face of Families in a Globalized World
- Guidelines for Preparing Co-mediation
- Introduction to the Case Study: Role Play stage I & 2 “Setting the Stage & the Agenda”
- Tools and Methodologies I
- Model of Mediating High Conflict / Child Abduction Cases
TUESDAY, 30th September 2025
9.00 – 13.00 Legal Module
Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome, Christoph C. Paul
- International Legal Instruments in Matters of Parental Responsibility
- 1980 and 1996 Hague Conventions
- Brussels IIa Regulation & the New Brussels IIb (Recast) Regulation
- National Family Law
- Mediation Law & EU guidelines & European Code of Conduct for Mediators
- The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
14.00 – 16.00 Introducing Mediation in The Courtroom from a Judge’s Perspective:
Judge Martina Erb-Klünemann
- MiKK Mediators in the Courtroom (MIC)
- How Liaison Judges Can Actively Support the Implementation of Mediation Agreements
- Making the Memorandum of Understanding Legally Binding
- Working With Mirror Orders and Safe Harbour Orders
- Hague Convention Liaison Judges Network
16.00 – 18.30 Role-play Stage 3 – the “Heart of the Mediation”
Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome, Christoph C. Paul
- Tools and Methodologies II
- Role Play
- Mid-Seminar Evaluation
WEDNESDAY, 1st October 2025
Lecture Free Day · Networking Day · Berlin Walking Tour (optional)
- 2-hour Berlin Historic City Walking Tour – Participation free of charge
THURSDAY, 2nd October 2025
9.00 – 18.30 The Voice of the Child in Mediation
Dr. Lesley Allport, Susana Borges Gomes, Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome
- Focusing on “the Best Interests of the Child” in Mediation
- Engaging With Children in Mediation (Age-Appropriate Interview Techniques & Tools)
- Role Play Session III: “The Voice of the Child”
- Role Play Session IV: “Developing & Reviewing Options in the best interest of the child
FRIDAY, 3rd October 2025
9.00 – 13.30 Bi-lingualism and Culture in Mediation
Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome
- Handling Bilingualism in Mediations: Models and Options
- Communicating & Mediating Across Cultures
- Role Play Session V: “Working with Turning Points & Mediating Dilemma Situations”
14.30 – 18.30 Dilemmas in Mediation
Spiros Livadopoulos, Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome
- Dilemma Situations
- Conflict Escalation Model
- Role Play Session VI in Groups: “Working Towards Agreement”
SATURDAY, 4th October 2025
9.30 – 16.00 Aspects of Cross-cultural Communication Drafting the MOU
Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome, Spiros Livadopoulos
- Aspects of Cross-cultural Communication & Dispute Resolution
- Online Mediation 101
- Role Play Session VII: “Drawing up a Memorandum of Understanding”
- Cooperation, Training, Networking with Other Professionals
- Discussion – Feedback – Evaluation – Certificates
Magdalena Jańczuk, Blanka Illes
- The MiKK Network
16.00 Closing
The program is subject to change.

MiKK International Mediation Centre for Family Conflict and Child Abduction
About MiKK
MiKK is an internationally recognized, independent NGO, which has been providing its expertise to parents and stakeholders in the field of cross-border family mediation and international family mediation training for over 20 years. MiKK started operating as a project of the Federal Family Mediators Association (BAFM) in 2002 and became an independent NGO in 2008. The multi-lingual (EN, DE, PL, FR, ES, HU, IT) free-of-charge MiKK Advisory Pre-Mediation and Mediation Referral Service has helped and supported 1000s of parents and children from all over the world. MiKK is active in the field of cross-border mediation training, foundation training as well as research and advocacy. MiKK also offers a monthly, free-of-charge Online Parent Support group “MiPCAS”. The organization is consulted by and co-operates with international stakeholders, eg. Central Authorities, Judges, Lawyers, Mediators, the EU Parliament Office of Children’s Rights, the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), the EU Legal Affairs Committee and NGOs. Since 2022 MiKK is co-funded by the EU.
MiKK Trainings & Workshops
The full 50-hour CBFM Training takes place each year in Berlin in English as well as in German. Internationally, the CBFM is run annually in Japan and occasionally in Spain, Madrid (in Spanish) and in France, Strasbourg ( in French). The training has also taken place twice in Singapore and once on Ukraine, on-line. Ongoing Training and (free) Webinars are regularly offered to MiKK Mediators as well as monthly (free) Online Intervision. MiKK has conceived and successfully piloted trainings and projects involving MiKK Mediators in related fields (i.e. LEPCA; AMICABLE; Voice of the Child; Mediation in Muslim Contexts etc.)co-financed by the EU and the German Ministry of Justice (BMJ). MiKK has run diverse workshops for the Academy of European Law (ERA) and the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN). Since 2004 MiKK has delivered workshops and trainings in 20+ countries.
Cross Border Family MiKK Mediations
Qualified Mediators with intercultural competence and foreign language skills who successfully complete the 50-hour MiKK CBFM training, may join the international MiKK Network of 220+ specialized, multi-lingual family mediators and have their profile featured on the MiKK website www.mikk-ev.org. Currently, MiKK Mediators are based in 40+ countries and mediate in 40+ languages.
The multi-lingual (EN, DE, PL, FR, HU, ES, IT) international MiKK Advisory and Pre-mediation Service regularly refer cross-border family cases for mediation to MiKK-listed Mediators. Ongoing Training requirements in the field of mediation, family law and cross-border family mediation apply to MiKK Mediators.
We look forward to working with legal, psycho-social, educational and other professionals from a variety of cultural backgrounds and nationalities. Get ready to mediate cross-border family cases!

Testimonials: Participants say …
Registration fees:
Full Fee: EUR 1,950
Early Bird Discount: EUR 1,800 (Registrations before 30th April 2024)
Eligible Country Fee*: EUR 1,350

This year there is a small number of free-of-charge, fully EU-co-funded places available for qualified mediators from Croatia, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, Slovenia, and Portugal. If you are interested, please fill in the online registration form below and tick the “Application for a free-of-charge, EU co-funded place” box.
Interested? Questions? – Feel free to reach out!
Training Venue:
Innenmehr – Institut für Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Am Tempelhofer Berg 7d, 10965 Berlin