Event Details

 Cross-border Family Mediation.
International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access.
3rd updated Edition, Wolfgang Metzner Verlag
Christoph C.Paul, Sybille Kiesewetter, Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome (eds.)

 on 27th October 2023 in Berlin

Introducing the Ultimate Guide to Cross-Border Family Mediation: 3rd Edition.

With a Foreword by Ewa Kopacz,
Vice-President of the European Parliament & European Parliament’s Coordinator on Children’s Rights

This 3rd revised and updated edition of Cross-Border Family Mediation has been long overdue and we are thrilled to announce its imminent publication! With articles by leading international experts in the field on a diverse range of key themes and topics, the 3rd edition of Cross-border Family Mediation represents an invaluable reference book and resource on mediation in cross-border family disputes and international parental child abduction cases. The third edition gives an (updated and revised) overview of key legal instruments such as the 1980 Hague Convention and the Brussels IIb Recast Regulation, and the specific characteristics of cross-border family mediation integrated into court proceedings, bilingualism and mediation as well as mediation in cases with Non-Hague Muslim countries. The new edition features a number of new articles by experts on important topics, such as the Voice of the Child, Mediating Online, Enforceability of Mediated Agreements as well as legal reference documents, such as checklists, template letters and other practical reference materials.

Packed with invaluable insights and practical guidance, this book is an indispensable resource for mediators, lawyers, and professionals working in cross-border family law.

Join us as we celebrate the release of this invaluable resource for all professionals active in the field of cross-border family mediation!

If you would like to receive an invitation to attend the Book Launch, please contact MiKK: info@mikk-ev.org.


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