About us

About us

MiKK e.V. is a non-profit organisation. The organisation was initially named „MiKK e.V. Mediation bei internationalen Kindschaftskonflikten“. With regard to the increasingly international scope of the NGO, it was renamed on the 1 July 2019 to be called „MiKK e.V. International Mediation Centre for Family Conflict and Child Abduction“. The bodies of this organisation comprise of the Board of Directors, the Advisory Board and the General Assemby. The statutes of the association can be found here.


MiKK is a non-profit organization providing multi-lingual and free-of-charge support, advice and referrals to mediation for parents in cases of cross-border contact, custody and relocation conflicts, as well as in cases of international parental child abduction.

MiKK organizes bilingual and bi-cultural mediations worldwide for parents in accordance with its internationally renowned mediation model using mediators who have been specially trained by MiKK. For over 10 years MiKK has assisted thousands of parents locked in seemingly unsolvable conflicts in finding sustainable and amicable solutions that are in the best interest of their children.

We also offer information, training and consultation to judges, lawyers, social services and consular representatives.

Call or e-mail us for free-of-charge advice if you have questions or if you wish MiKK to organize a mediation for you.


Enabling parents to remain partners and retain control in resolving international family conflicts through specialist family mediation – in the best interest of the child!

MiKK’s mission is to contribute to growing an international movement to support and help advance the resolution of cross-border family conflicts through mediation as a formally accepted way for ensuring sustainable solutions in the interest of parents, children, judicial and social authorities worldwide. It is our mission to continue to act as a thought leader and multiplier in the field of cross-border family mediation internationally.


A world where international family conflicts are amicably resolved in the best interest of all parties, particularly parents and children, through affordable professional mediation supported by judicial and social systems in each country.

Our mission & vision are underpinned by:

  • Internationally acknowledged mediation principles of voluntariness, confidentiality and impartiality of the mediation process as well as self-empowering parents to find their own solutions.
  • The MiKK “4 B Co-mediation Model” whereby the Co-mediators speak the parents common language as well as their respective mother tongues (bi-lingual), share or understand the parents’ respective cultural backgrounds (bi-cultural), have juristic and psycho-social professional backgrounds respectively (bi-professional) and (where applicable) are of both genders (bi-gender). The MiKK Co-mediation Model is recommended by the HCCH Guide to Good Practice for cross-border family conflicts.

  • The MiKK free of charge, multilingual Advisory Service (EN, DE, ES, IT, FR, PL, HU) which is available to parents, other affected parties and stakeholders from all over the world and organizing mediations for parents worldwide.
  • The growing professional international, multi-lingual and multi-cultural MiKK Mediators Network who have acquired the knowledge and skill-set for mediating high conflict cross-border family disputes through participating in the MiKK Cross-border Family Mediation Training (CBFM).
  • The growing international network of multi-lingual family lawyers, guardians ad litem and child psychotherapists/ psychologists who have expertise in the field of cross-border family conflicts.
  • The MiKK Cross-border Family Mediation (CBFM) Training and Ongoing Further Trainings (in English and German) for mediators from all over the world, providing mediators in this field with the key knowledge, core skill-set and tools required to successfully co-mediate such high-conflict and complex cross-border family disputes.
  • Working closely with stakeholders and lobbying Cross-border Family Mediation with stakeholders such as courts, governmental, social and judicial authorities in Germany, the EU and internationally and serving as an expert in the field for these international stakeholders.
  • Continuing to conduct research projects in the field related to cross-border family mediation.







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