Get Involved
Our Vision:
“A world where international family conflicts are amicably resolved in the best interest of all parties, particularly parents and children, through affordable professional mediation supported by judicial and social systems in each country.”
Help us realise our vision: join the international MiKK network, work with MiKK and support us in our work!
You can support our cause in many ways:
– you can become a MiKK Cross-border Mediator,
– join the MiKK lawyers list
– be listed as a bi-lingual Guardian ad Litem.
As a predominately self-funded non-governmental organization we rely on donations, on raising money through trainings and projects. You can support us by becoming a MiKK member or with a one-off or a regular donation. Or help spread the word about MiKK and help us to raise funds by distributing this Flyer with some key facts & figures about MiKK and the work we do.
You can always reach out to us directly with your ideas for fundraising and cooperation.
MiKK is looking for support for its international Advisory Service

Further information and detailed job description.
Become a MiKK mediator
Would you like to train as a Cross-border Family Mediator, work with us and publish your profile in the International MiKK Mediators List on our website?
You can become a MiKK Mediator and have your profile featured on the MiKK Mediators List if
you are a trained mediator and are qualified to mediate in accordance with the standards of your country
you are bi-lingual, have intercultural competence and practical mediation experience
you have successfully completed the 50-hour MiKK Cross-border Family Mediation Training (link to trainings) and agree to work in accordance with the Wroclaw Declaration 2007
If you are ticking all the above boxes, we would like to hear from you! Please complete the following three forms: MiKK Membership, MiKK Mediators List & Self-Assessments of Languages and return them to us at:
Become a MiKK lawyer
You are a family lawyer and are specialised in international family disputes? MiKK’s International Advisory Service receives regular requests for experienced lawyers all over the world. Parents who opt for mediation are always advised by MiKK to obtain legal advice before starting the mediation process, as well as have a lawyer check the final mediation agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) before signing it. MiKK regularly refers parents to lawyers from the international MiKK Lawyers List featured on our website.
If you have experience in the field of international family conflicts, such as custody or relocation disputes and/or international child abduction cases under the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention and the Brussels IIa Regulation, we would be happy to welcome you into our international network! You can join the list of international family law experts on the MiKK website.
In addition, MiKK offers trainings and workshops for lawyers who specialize in this field. Recently, MiKK developed a Practice Guide (Best Practice Tool) together with legal experts from four EU countries in an EC-cofinanced project entitled AMICABLE. The key aim of this project was to assist lawyers and judges with the difficult topic of cross-border recognition and enforceability of mediated family agreements in the EU. The outcome of the project were country-specific Best Practice Tools, which can be downloaded from the Amicable website for Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain.
A continuation of the project with the development of Best Practice tools for further EU countries is envisaged. Please email us on to join our Newsletter if you are interested in updates.
To become a listed MiKK lawyer, please complete the application form and return it to the MiKK office:
Become a MiKK Guardian ad Litem
You are a Guardian ad Litem in international family cases, helping to represent the best interest of children in court? As a MiKK Guardian ad Litem you will be listed on our MiKK Guardian ad Litem list on our website. The list is accessible to judges, lawyers and parents, who are looking for Guardians ad Litem with specialised knowledge on international family cases and who may have the necessary foreign language skills for their cases. To be listed on our website, you need to have completed our specialised Guardian ad Litem training course, which includes valuable information on relevant legal aspects of international family conflicts, intercultural considerations and how best to safeguard the child’s best interest in all kinds of international family disputes, including international child abduction, access and custody cases.
New courses will be annouced soon and can be found in our “Training” section.
Once you have completed the course, you can become a listed Guardian ad Litem by completing the application form and sending it to:
Become a supporting member
You would like to support MiKK with a regular financial contribution, become an official member of the network and have access to exclusive discounts to trainings and events? As a MiKK member, you are a valued supporter of our work of supporting parents across borders. In return, we support our members by providing a vibrant and global network of family mediators and other practitioners, by helping with hands-on advice during Cross-border Family mediations and by offering supervision, workshops and trainings for our members. To become a supporting member, please complete the application form and return it to the MiKK office:
Support MiKK with a one-off or a regular donation to help us to continue helping families in need.
Go to: Donate Now!
“You guys are phenomenally professional, and I also hope that I get a chance to work with you in the future. Thank you for everything that you’ve done.”
Father, USA
“Well done, excellent! A lot of thought and preparation has gone into this training. Structured, comprehensive, balanced and enriching perspective. Thank you!”
German CBFM Training Participant
“It has opened my mind to how limited my knowledge of mediation is. I have learnt much and made friends and this experience will be remembered and treasured.”
CBFM Training Participant
“Professional and timely advice, delivered in a very kind manner.”
Mother, France