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Cross-Border Family Mediation International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases
MiKK proudly presents the 3rd updated and expanded edition of Cross-Border Family Mediation – International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases, written for experienced mediators and all other professionals involved in cross-border family conflicts.
This invaluable reference book on international family mediation provides:
- the legal framework and specific characteristics of cross-border cases
- methodology and tools
- information on coordinating mediation with court proceedings
- case studies
- information sheets on mediation for parents, lawyers and judges
- sample mediation agreements and court orders
- a detailed look at international family mediation with parties from non-Hague Contracting States with a specific focus on Muslim countries
- information on handling bilingualism and interpreting in mediation
- insight into mediation styles within co-mediation settings
In addition to our CBFM handbook, we have prepared a brief bibliography on various topics concerning mediation in international family conflict. Some of the articles can be downloaded as .pdf files.
Text and Guidebooks: Cross-border Mediation & International Family Law
Paul, Christoph C./ Kiesewetter, S. (eds.). Cross-Border Family Mediation – International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases. 2nd edition, 2014, Wolfgang Metzner Verlag, p.1-228, ISBN: 978-3-943951-15-8
EU Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Policy Department C: Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Cross-border parental child abduction in the European Union. Publications Office of the EU, 2015, Link to pdf
George, Rob / Judd, Frances / Garrido, Damian / Worwood, Anna: Relocation: A Practical Guide – an indispensable guide for anyone working in this complex and fast changing area of law and practice. 2013, Jordan Publishing, ISBN: 978 1 84661 504 7 Link to website
Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): Guide to Good Practice Child Abduction Convention: Part V – Mediation. 2015. Available in 25 languages. Link
Hodson, David: A Practical Guide to International Family Law. 2008, Jordan Publishing, ISBN-10: 184661094X
International Social Services. A Guide to International Family Mediation, 2015. Link to pdf
Keshavjee, Mohamed: Islam Sharia and ADR –Mechanisms for Legal Redress in the Muslim community. 2013, Publisher I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, ISBN: 9781848857322
Link to pdf
Niethammer-Jürgens, Kerstin / Erb-Klünemann, Martina
Internationales Familienrecht in der Praxis. Ein Leitfaden (in German only). 2. Auflage (Neuauflage), 2019, broschiert, 172 Seiten, Wolfgang Metzner Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-96117-033-3 Wolfgang Metzner Verlag
Parkinson, Lisa: Family Mediation in the New Family Justice System. 3rd edition, 2014, published by Family Law (2014), ISBN 10: 1784730254, ISBN 13: 9781784730253
Sustac, Zeno Daniel/ Walker, Jamie: Best Practice Guide on the Use of Mediation in Cross-border Disputes; 2014 (pdf)
Articles & Reports: Cross-border Family Mediation & International Family Law
Brieger, Sabine: Modellprojekt “Mediation in internationalen Kindesentführungsverfahren”; Zeitschrift für Kindschafts- und Jugendrecht, ZKJ Heft 11, 2014, S. 450-451. (Link to pdf)
EU Parliament. IPOL Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs: Indepth Analysis – 40 years of the Hague Convention on child abduction: legal and societal changes in the rights of a child, November 2020; p.1-20, PDF ISBN 978-92-846-7452-7 (Link to pdf)
Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): The Judges Newsletter On International Child Protection, Special Focus: The Child’s Voice – 15 Years Later; Volume XXII, Summer-Fall 2018. (Link to pdf)
EU Directorate General for Internal Policies: Policy Department C: Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs and Legal Affairs. Compilation of Briefings of Workshops on “Recasting the Brussels II a Regulation”, November 2016; p.4-81. (Link to pdf)
Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): Report on the Meeting of the Working Party on Mediation in the Malta Process Context (Non-Hague) Muslim countries. Embassy of Canada, The Hague, 4 March 2019. (Link to pdf)
Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) / International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (USA): Report on the International Judicial Conference on cross-border family relocation: Washington Declaration on Family Relocation 23-25 März 2010, (Link to website & Link to pdf)
International Family Mediators, In: International Family Law September 2012, S. 266-267, IFL 2012, (Link to pdf)
Khalaf-Newsome, Ischtar / Paul, Christoph C.: Konfliktbeilegung in Ländern der Islamischen Welt. Von traditionellen Verfahren zum MiKK-Mediationsmodell. In: Spektrum der Mediation, Ausgabe 70, 2017, S.41-43 (Link to pdf)
Khalaf-Newsome, Ischtar /Paul, C. Christoph: Internationale Kindschaftskonflikte – Wenn das eigene Kind entführt wird, Die (Wirtschafts)Mediation 4/ 2015 , S.79-81. (Link to pdf)
Khalaf-Newsome, Ischtar / Dr. Niethammer-Jürgens, Kerstin: A Match Made in Europe. On the differences between German and English Family Law. In: Family Law Journal (FLJ 91), November 2009, p.5-8. (Link to pdf)
Dr. Kriegel Schmidt, Katharina: Warum unterstützen Rechtsanwälte Mediation (nicht)? Eine qualitative Interviewstudie zur Mediation in internationalen Kindschaftskonflikten. In: Mediation Aktuell, 2016. (Link to pdf)
Nagata, Mari: Current Status and Issues of Implementing the Hague Child Abduction Convention in Japan. In: JAPANESE YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW
Paul, Christoph C; The Role of Family Mediation in Matters of Parental Responsibility, in: Compilation of Briefings of Workshops on “Recasting the Brussels II a Regulation”; EU DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR INTERNAL POLICIES POLICY DEPARTMENT C: CITIZENS’ RIGHTS AND CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS and LEGAL AFFAIRS. November 2016; p.17-28. (Link to pdf)
Paul, Christoph C. / Kiesewetter, Sybille: “Cross-Border Mediation. Foreign and International Legal Provisions.” / Mediation über Grenzen. Ausländische und internationale Rechtsnormen. Online Publication, 2011. Frankfurt am Main: Wolfgang Metzner Verlag
Paul, Christoph C. / Kaesler, Steffi: Mediation within the framework of a German-English child abduction. In: ADR bulletin 5/2007, S. 82-86
Paul, Christoph C. / Walker, Jamie: An International Mediation: From Child Abduction to Property Distribution. In: American Journal of Family Law 3/2009, S. 167-173, (Link to pdf)
Paul, Christoph C.; Walker, Jamie: A Case for Mediation: Family Mediation in International Child Custody Conflicts. In: World Arbitration & Mediation Review (WAMR), Vol:1, No:4, 589-594, copyright JurisNet LLC (Huntington, New York, USA) (Link to pdf)
Reunite/Trevor, Buck: An evaluation of the long-term effectiveness of mediation in case of international parental child abduction. June 2012, Reunite International Child Abduction Center, Mediation research Report. (Link to pdf)
Roberts, Marian: Developing the Craft of Mediation – Reflections on Theory and Practice. 2007, Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London, ISBN: 978 1 84310 323 3
Roberts, Marian: Hearing both sides: structural safeguards for protecting fairness in family mediation. 2005, Mediation in practice. ISSN 1750-8452
Sustac, Zeno Daniel/Walker, Jamie: Article – Best Practice Guide on the Use of Mediation in Cross-border Disputes; 2014 (Link to article)
Useful Online Resources
European Justice Portal; Mediation & family law. Regulations of different EU countries and a list of contact addresses for assistance. Link to website
Cross-border Parental Child Abduction and International Family Separation (EU Publication) Leaflet: Link to website
Cross-border parental child abduction in the European Union: Link to website
1. Workshop: Friday, 19th April 2024, Time: 12:00 – 15.00 CET (Berlin Time)
Trauma-informed MediationA Webinar for Cross-border Family Mediatorswith Konstanze Welz Workshop Description As Cross Border Family Mediators, we are very likely to work with traumatized parties. Both the parents and the children have usually just experienced a very...