MiKK International
Parental Child Abduction
Support Group
MiKK International Parental Child Abduction
Support Group
Facilitated by experienced MiKK Mediators with psycho-social background professions from different cultures and countries, the MiKK International Parental Child Abduction Support (MiPCAS) Groups are a brand-new initiative by MiKK seeking to assist and support all those affected by international parental child abduction. This is an online service offered free of charge by MiKK. The next MiPCAS Group sessions are scheduled
for the Europe MiPCAS Groups
Further dates: 4th February, 18th February, 4th March, 18th March, 8th April, and 22nd April
Whether you are …
a left-behind parent
a parent who has taken their children abroad without the other parent’s permission
a parent whose children were returned following an abduction by the other parent
yourself a formally abducted child (now an adult)
The MiPCAS Groups aim to
offer a listening ear, a virtual shoulder to lean on and the chance to share your experiences
with others who are or were facing the same practical and emotional challenges;
in a confidential, safe, ONLINE environment.
MiPCAS` Mission
The mission of the MiKK International Parental Child Abduction Support (MiPCAS) Groups is to help parents and formerly abducted (adult) children from all over the world to empower each other through exchanging experiences and information in a safe and confidential environment in situations of international parental child abduction and custody disputes.
“I am thrilled to read of the MiPCAS support groups you are starting. This is something I have been pressing for. It is really important initiative – congratulations!”
Professor Marilyn Freeman, Phd
Facilitated by experienced MiKK Mediators with psycho-social background professions from different cultures and countries, the MiPCAS Groups present an informal, safe and confidential online forum for you to share your story, relate your own experiences, offering support or simply listening to others with similar experiences. It is a safe space for you to express your thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment. A space of mutual support which offers the opportunity to find strength in each other’s stories, empathy in shared experiences, helpful information and hope in the journey towards healing. Please note, however, that the MiKK Facilitators do not provide advice, guidance, counselling or therapy!
The MiPCAS Groups offer a unique chance to connect with others in similar situations from all over the world in a confidential, safe online environment supported by MiKK Co-Facilitators.
Join a Group if you want to:
Participation in the Groups is free of charge (thanks to EU co-funding)!
Which MiPCAS Group is right for You?
This new Free Online Service by MiKK seeks to offer support to all individuals affected by international parental child abduction. Groups are limited to 6-8 participants, and 1-2 facilitators.
Four different groups are being offered initially: Left-behind Parents MiPCAS Group, Taking Parents MiPCAS Group, Formally abducted (adult) Children MiPCAS Group and Psycho-educational MiPCAS Group. More groups may be opened up, depending on demand for participants with different experiences.
The Language of the MiPCAS Groups is English (but French, Greek, Polish, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, German, Chinese, Mandarin and Spanish may also be made available if it an absolute requirement and depending on the number of participants requesting this).
Please let us know if you have any questions by e-mailing us at MiPCAS@mikk-ev.org
Different Groups • Different Time Zones • International MiKK Facilitators
MiPCAS Group meetings are scheduled monthly, typically on a weekday, late afternoons/evenings. To accommodate participants based in the Asia-Pacific Region, we are happy to announce the opening of the MiPCAS Asia-Pacific Chapter! Group meetings are scheduled indicating Japan Standard Time (JST) and Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)/Hong Kong Time (HKT)/Singapore Time (SGT). A MiPCAS USA Chapter is underway already and the dates will be announced shortly. Our MiPCAS Group Facilitators are based in different parts of the world so we can hopefully accommodate parents worldwide living in different time zones. But please let us know if you have other requirements concerning meeting times, so that we can try to accommodate this.
If the current upcoming dates or groups are not suitable for you, but you are interested in participating in a MiPCAS group in the future then please register via the form below. You will then be automatically notified by e-mail about future MiPCAS meeting dates.
If you have any questions or comments, we would like to hear from you! Please send us an e-mail to: MiPCAS@mikk-ev.org
Meet Our Facilitators
The sessions of the different MiPCAS Groups are supported by experienced facilitators from the global MiKK Mediators Network who bring empathy and expertise to every meeting. All facilitators have psycho-social professional backgrounds and are trained MiKK Mediators. They are specialized in the field of international parental child abduction and are based in different parts of the world in Europe, the USA and the Asia-Pacific region. Each group is facilitated by 1-2 facilitators and confidentiality applies to participants and facilitators alike. By joining a MiPCAS group participants agree to abide by the MiPCAS guidelines. Please note that the MiKK Facilitators do not provide advice, guidance, counselling or therapy.
MiPCAS Group Meeting Dates
MiPCAS Europe Chapter
MiPCAS Europe Chapter Facilitators:
The upcoming Europe MiPCAS Groups Meeting Dates are as follows:
Further dates: 4th February, 18th February, 4th March, 18th March, 8th April, and 22nd April (registration starts after the prior session ends)
Three different MiPCAS groups are offered on those two dates: Left-behind Parents MiPCAS Group, Taking Parents MiPCAS Group and Formerly abducted (adult) Children MiPCAS Group. Upon registration, you will be asked to indicate which group you would like to join.
MiPCAS USA Chapter
A MiPCAS USA Chapter is being planned so that soon we will hopefully be able to offer a MiPCAS Group for parents or formerly abducted children (now adults) based in the USA.
Dates are coming soon.
MiPCAS USA Chapter Facilitator:
MiPCAS Asia-Pacific Chapter
MiPCAS Asia-Pacific Chapter Facilitators:
The upcoming Asia-Pacific MiPCAS Groups Meeting Dates are as follows:
Dates are coming soon.
Three different MiPCAS groups are offered on this date: Left-behind Parents MiPCAS Group, Taking Parents MiPCAS Group and Formerly abducted (adult) Children MiPCAS Group. Upon registration, you will be asked to indicate which group you would like to join.
Join a MiPCAS Group Today
If you would like to join a MiPCAS Group to connect with others with similar experiences, then please complete the online registration form below. Please indicate which MiPCAS Group you would like to join.
If the given dates or groups are not good for you, but you are interested in participating in a MiPCAS group in the future then please register via the form below. You will then be automatically notified by e-mail about upcoming MiPCAS meeting dates.
Participation in the International MiPCAS Groups is free-of-charge (EU co-funded) for EU citizens and citizens from all over the world.
Note: Your privacy is important to us. All information provided will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of facilitating your participation in our support group.
Please let us know if you have any questions by e-mailing us at MiPCAS@mikk-ev.org and we hope to see you in the MiPCAS Groups!
Online Registration Form
Participation in the Groups is free of charge (thanks to EU co-funding)!