Event Details

The MiKK 50-hour advanced training course aims to qualify practising family mediators to mediate cross-border family disputes, including international child abduction, access and custody cases. The course will cover the relevant legal aspects of international family conflicts, differences in national family legislation, the 1980 and 1996 Hague Conventions, the Brussels II bis Regulation as well as the best interest and the voice of the child. Participants will be introduced to tools and methodologies for mediating high conflict cases. Case studies and role plays will be an integral part of the course. Drawing on the participants’ experience, we will examine the issues of mediating across cultures. Interdisciplinary cooperation is a key aspect of the course. A team of international, multi-disciplinary trainers who are experts in their respective fields and have hands on experience will lead this highly interactive training course, aiming to equip international mediators with the required knowledge, skills and tools to mediate complex cross-border family dispute cases. Over the past 10 years the CBFM training has been continually adapted and updated by MiKK, to keep abreast of any changes in the mediation landscape, recent legal developments and to incorporate the feed-back of participants. We look forward to working with legal, psycho-social, educational and other professionals from a variety of cultural backgrounds and nationalities! Mediators who successfully complete the MiKK CBFM training may join the international MiKK Network of specialized, multi-lingual family mediators and have their profile featured on the MiKK website (see here). MiKK Mediators are eligible to co-mediate cross-border family cases that are referred to them via the MiKK Pre-mediation Service.

Programme and Registration (click here for PDF)

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