Event Details

Das Ongoing Training findet auf Englisch statt.

The MiKK Ongoing Training takes place from 14th – 16th October 2022 in Berlin. The Ongoing Training brings together MiKK mediators and also non-MiKK mediators from all over the world. Three topical and interactive workshops (which can be booked individually) with international expert trainers are offered again this year.

Programme & Registration (click here)


Friday, 14th of October

Workshop 1:

Transformative Mediation in Cross-border Custody Disputes & Child Abduction Cases with Christian Hartwig, Transformative Mediator, Trainer (BM), Lecturer Humboldt University, (Germany)


Saturday, 15th of October

Workshop 2:

Practicing Mindfulness in Cross-border Family Mediation with Dr Birgitte Beelen, Clinical Psychologist, Child & Adolescent Psychologist, International Family Mediator, Mindfulness & Compassion Coach, Trainer, Managing Director Syntagma (Netherlands)


Sunday, 16th of October

Workshop 3:

Asking Challenging but Safe Questions in Crossborder Family Mediation with Gerry O’Sullivan, Advanced Mediator and Trainer at the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII) (Ireland)


Thursday, 13th of October

Supervision with Catharina Laverty, Advisory Officer, MiKK e.V.; Mediator, Supervisor (DGSv), Coach


The MiKK Ongoing Training Workshops are aimed at mediators and dispute resolution practitioners with an interest in intercultural, cross-border mediation who wish to deepen their knowledge and/or acquire new skills in this field. The workshops are also open to non-MiKK mediators and may also be of interest to participants from other related disciplines. They are a chance to reconnect with friends and make new acquaintances and expand your international network.

Programme & Registration (click here)

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