International Mediation Centre
for Family Conflict and
Child Abduction
MiKK is a non-profit organization providing multi-lingual and free-of-charge support, advice and referrals to mediation for parents in cases of cross-border contact, custody and relocation conflicts, as well as in cases of international parental child abduction.
MiKK organizes bilingual and bi-cultural mediations worldwide for parents in accordance with its internationally renowned mediation model using mediators who have been specially trained by MiKK. For over 20 years MiKK has assisted thousands of parents locked in seemingly unsolvable conflicts in finding sustainable and amicable solutions that are in the best interest of their children.
We also offer information, training and consultation to judges, lawyers, social services and consular representatives.
Call or e-mail us for free-of-charge advice if you have questions or if you wish MiKK to organize a mediation for you.
Explore EU Family Law & Mediation on cross-border family disputes
by watching our infographic video
Video Topics:
New Developments in EU Family Law
Understanding Mediation
Mediators in Court Model
Brussels II b Regulation
4B Model Mediation at MiKK
Mediator Trainings
Lawyer Involvement in Mediation
Funding Mediation & MiKK
Your donation fuels our ability to provide essential support to children experiencing abduction.
Cross-Border Family Mediation
International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases
Christoph C. Paul, Sybille Kiesewetter, Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome eds.
MiKK proudly presents the 3rd updated and expanded edition of Cross-Border Family Mediation – International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases, written for experienced mediators and all other professionals involved in cross-border family conflicts.
Book Launch of the 3rd edition of Cross-Border Family Mediation, International Parental Child Abduction, Custody and Access Cases
Successfully released a book through Wolfgang Metzner Verlag on Cross-Border Family Mediation, edited by Christoph C Paul Sybille Keisewetter and Ischtar Khalaf-Newsome,.
The official book launch took place in 2023 October at the Mexican Embassy. To revisit the highlights of the Book Launch Event, you can watch the video.