MiKK Ambassadors
MiKK Ambassadors
Across Border, Beyond Conflicts, MiKK Ambassadors for Mediation
The MiKK Ambassador Project promotes cross-border family mediation (CBFM) within the EU, responding to the strengthened mediation provisions of the new Brussels IIb (recast) Regulation.
Ambassadors raise awareness, share best practices, and increase expertise in CBFM across the EU, reaching non-English speaking stakeholders such as judges, lawyers, mediators, social workers, guardian ad litems and NGOs. They promote MiKK’s mediation models and tools (e.g. the 4B MiKK Mediation Model, the AMICABLE Best Practice Tools, the Mediator-in-Court Model) to ensure that there will be specialized mediators and national mediation structures in every EU States.
In 2022, 5 Ambassadors from Poland, Sweden, Greece, and Austria, in 2023, 6 Ambassadors from Ireland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Luxemburg and Spain, while in 2024 2 Ambassadors from Japan were selected.